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V.A. - Yellow Loveless -Japan-

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Artist : the cabs
Release Date : 2013.01.23
1. only shallow - 東京酒吐座
2. loomer - GOATBED
3. touched - The Sodom Project
4. to here knows when - Lemon's Chair
5. when you sleep - 少年ナイフ
6. i only said - 東京酒吐座
7. come in alone - AGE of PUNK
8. sometimes - Boris
9. blown a wish - SHINOBU NARITA (4-D Model)
10. what you want - Lemon's Chair
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Title: V.A. - Yellow Loveless -Japan-; Writen By SYAHDU MUSIC; Rating Blog: 5 dari 5
Posted by: Syahdu Musix
Music Kpop Jpop, Updated at: 6:32 PM
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